We met some folks looking for a few real-life Open Food Network users to talk candidly to other real-life people about using OFN for an hour or two, and they are happy to compensate them. Shoot an email ASAP to hello-usa@openfoodnetwork.net if you are interested.
Have you ever wished you could join the sophisticated, sexy ranks of the OFN Volunteers? Did you know most OFN employees started as volunteers? Got some free time this winter? Visit our job board to find the perfect volunteer job.
You might already know we release an update to the OFN software almost every week, and each release includes bug fixes and new features. Did you know you can also pitch in to pay for new features that you really want, like, a lot? Check out this page for more.
If your organization is growing, if you got a big ol’ grant recently, or if you’re ready to eplore a wild new business model, we would probably love to be part of it. We love working with other people to build strong, resilient communities. Drop us a line.
Every dollar you send our way goes directly toward improving the Open Food Network experience. We operate on a shoestring now, but we’re saving up for some running shoes so we can deliver more to you, faster! Our donation page at donate.openfoodnetwork.net is open 24/7.
There are tons of ways you can connect with your USA team and other smart OFN users from around the world Have you checked out the Thriving Food Hubs Facebook group? Have you seen our super amazing global YouTube channel? Don’t forget you can always contact support-usa@openfoodnetwork.net for help, and every single Monday and Friday at Noon Eastern we have a lovely time getting acquainted and solving problems at meet.openfoodnetwork.net.
There is a 99.6% chance you moved to OFN in 2020 or 2021, a good chance it was pandemic-related, and it definitely cost you time and money. A new grant program just opened up to help reimburse you for that and other things – the application only takes about 30 minutes, and grants are for up to $20k. That’s a lot of lettuce!
Pro Tip: Are your products Certified Naturally Grown? Animal Welfare Approved? Biodynamic? Part of the Real Food Project? FSMA/GAP? Make sure you tell the world! In your enterprise settings, choose “Properties” and choose which of your certifications you want to crow about. After that, your customers will be able to find you or your products using OFN’s search functions.